Szollár Lajos által rendelkezésre bocsátott cikkek a PBK Eü. Tagozat tagjai részére (2007. április 6.)
Private Health Insurance in OECD
The Benefits and Costs for
Individuals and Health Systems
Francesca Colombo and
Nicole Tapay
Falling Expectations and the
Safety Net
Woolhandler MD, MPH, and David U. Himmelstein, MD
National Health Insurance
Medical Care o Volume 42, Number
5, May 2004
The high costs of for-profit care
S. Woolhandler,
D. U. Himmelstein
Canadian Medical Association or
its licensors
Canadian Medical Association
CMAJ o JUNE 8, 2004; 170
A systematic review and metaanalysis of studies comparing mortality rates of
private for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals
P.J. Devereaux,*
Peter T.L. Choi,+? Christina Lacchetti,? Bruce Weaver,? Holger J. Schünemann,§
Ted Haines,?
John N. Lavis,?** Brydon J.B. Grant,§++?? David R.S. Haslam,§§ Mohit Bhandari,
Terrence Sullivan,*** Deborah J. Cook,*?
Stephen D. Walter,? Maureen Meade,*? Humaira Khan,? Neera
Bhatnagar,+++ Gordon H. Guyatt*?
Canadian Medical Association
CMAJ o MAY 28, 2002; 166
Payments for care at private
for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals: a systematic review and
P.J. Devereaux,
Diane Heels-Ansdell, Christina Lacchetti,
Ted Haines, Karen E.A. Burns, Deborah
J. Cook, Nikila Ravindran, S.D. Walter,
Heather McDonald, Samuel B. Stone, Rakesh Patel, Mohit
Bhandari, Holger J. Schünemann, Peter T.-L.
Choi, Ahmed M. Bayoumi,
John N. Lavis, Terrence
Sullivan, Greg Stoddart, Gordon H. Guyatt
Canadian Medical Association
CMAJ o JUNE 8, 2004; 170
Solving the public health care
sustainability puzzle
Gordon Guyatt,
Armine Yalnizyan, P.J. Devereaux
JAMC o 9
JUILL. 2002; 167 (1)
How Wall Street shareholder
value' destroyed America's
hospital system
A study of the piracy-tactics of
Columbia/FICA, the nation's largest for-profit hospital chain,
whose founder,
Richard Rainwater, is one of George W. Bush's top financial angels.
Hogyan tette tönkre a Wall Street ,,részvényes értéke"
Amerika kórházi rendszerét?
Richard Freeman és Linda Everett írása
Executive Intelligence Review
Volume 27, Number 14, April 7, 2000
Governor's Health Care Proposal
Source: Governor Schwarzenegger's
health care team.
The Commonwealth Fund Health Care
Opinion Leaders Survey, February 2005
National Health Insurance or
Incremental Reform:
Aim High, or at Our Feet?
U. Himmelstein, MD, and Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPH
American Journal of Public Health January 2003,
102 Vol 93,
No. 1